Our Story
In the winter of 2016, over a fortuitous dinner of sushi in Salt Lake City, a dream was born.
While working full-time at our corporate jobs, we mustered the mental fortitude to come home every day and power through the dark, cold, wintry Utah nights and build the best adventure rig we could envision... Late that spring, our trusty steed, Tony Vanza, a beautiful 2017 RAM Promster 1500 136", was completed.
Tony Vanza took us on rock climbing, mountain biking, and hiking trips all over Utah, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, Alberta, Montana, and Wyoming. What started as a side project to alleviate the burden of setting up a tent and making breakfast on crisp mornings before tackling difficult boulder problems in the desert, quickly became more than something reserved for the weekends.
Over that summer, we spent two months on the road and realized what a gift it was to live without so many physical belongings. The previously ludicrous idea of living so minimally, with only what fits with you on the road, became the most liberating lifestyle imaginable. Our ability to connect with and appreciate the world around us seemed to grow deeper everyday. The idea of going back to our home in Utah and settling into our normal corporate routine seemed more and more unsatisfying.
Our love of travel, exploration, adventure, connection, growth... it all seemed possible, affordable, even sustainable in the van.
We decided life is too short for regrets this big, and we began building out Pamela Vanderson, a 2017 RAM Promaster 3500 159" extended. By the time she was finished, we had incorporated major upgrades to help keep us on the road full-time.. a shower, toilet, hot water, and temperature-controlled furnace!!
We sold and donated everything-- minimizing our entire lives down to only what fits in our van and a small storage room.
We hit the road in 2018 and haven't look back since!

Trent & Allie
6300 N Sagewood Dr Ste H - 632
Park City, UT
Our Mailing Address
Trent & Allie
6300 N Sagewood Dr Ste H - 632
Park City, UT
Our Mailing Address
Fuel the Adventure!